THE ONYX PROJECT -- Welcome team. This is our site for our team project. I will be updating and com-
pleting the initial site look during the week. However, I eventually want this site to visually be designed by
you all.

Post all of your work in the desired tab pages above. Remember to label each post with the conceptual
subject's name. Also put your name in the post to reference who did the design and give brief explanations
of your process.


This is for reference material - for inspiration, instruction, and insight to how we will/should approach this project. Feel free to add to this yourselves as well. Give small tidbits of information regarding the reference material and list your name next to each post.

This images give a hint of the type of look and feel I am looking for with "Onyx." Not all of them are literal representations of what I'm looking for, some are loose representations stylistically to what I want for this project - Eddie

-Latest entry -  This  is exactly the style I'm looking for with regard to the character Uzertia. 

General Reference Material:

These are photos we've compiled together so far. - Eddie

 Characters --



                                       Mikey's Friends:


                              Terranian's (Nobles and Dwellers):

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