THE ONYX PROJECT -- Welcome team. This is our site for our team project. I will be updating and com-
pleting the initial site look during the week. However, I eventually want this site to visually be designed by
you all.

Post all of your work in the desired tab pages above. Remember to label each post with the conceptual
subject's name. Also put your name in the post to reference who did the design and give brief explanations
of your process.


Go into this page in the "design" link above, then in the "edit pages" tab -- Then go to "concept drawings" and please place all of your concept (color/b&w) images in this section of the blog under the categories below. Keep the image size small inside of the post space.

Since we are in the character phase, that is in white and bold italics.


Noel's Character Concepts:

Marcos Gomes


BG's (Sorry they're so rough)
Zann's and Uzertia's Castle

Castle Foyer

Throne Room

Zann's and Uzertia's Quarters

 Senate Hall (Outside)

 Senate Hall (Inside)

Final Illustrations

Pellan, inside the Dweller temple. He's just been pushed into the Onyx portal, having no idea of where he is or who are the people surrounding him.

Mikey stares in awe at the royal palace, as he is welcomed by Uzertia and Zann

Zach's Characters

Zach's Enviornments

-A weak, shivering Mikey stands in front of Master Rolaarus and several Monks who are all meditating in the Temple.

Mikey rides the dragon into the Dweller area of the city down in its depths.

Codys Concept Drawings:


Mikey Kills Commander Dayne and is apprehended by General Vaugyn
Mikey Trains with the Crathunian Proctor, under supervision of Master Rolarus.

Noel's Environments:
Mikey rides the dragon back toward Terra city
Mikey tries to save Pellan from being sucked into the Onyx portal

Beau Bateman's Concepts
uzertias warhorse (top)
uzertia sits atop a hill on her "horse" laughing at the lopsided battle between
her army and the feeble dwellers.

General Vaughn and Mikey watch as Commander Dayne
Attacks a dummy of Pellan (bottom)
dweller camp

Mikey as a Crathunian
Terranian Cityscape at night

Michelle Pecoraro

Dragon Cavern
Dweller Arena

Temple of Universe
Temple of Universe Interior

Onyx Monument

Michelle's Characters and Environments